Robbe-Grillet in America: The Nouveau Roman Meets the Language Textbook PMLA 135.3 (2020): 492-510.
A German Nazi’s French Recollections as Imagined by an American: Jonathan Littell’s Les Bienveillantes L’Esprit Créateur 50.4 (Winter 2010): 34-46.
Semprun in English: Multilingualism, Translation, and American Publishers Yale French Studies 129 (June 2016): 139-49.
From yo to je: Héctor Bianciotti and the Language of Memory a/b Auto/Biography Studies 24.2 (Winter 2009): 249-81.
Reading Duras Otherwise: TV, Translation, and Lost Texts MLN 136:4 (September 2021): 886-906.
An American Tragedy by Way of France Los Angeles Review of Books (February 2018).